Audiovisual record

Review the registration videos of Master Talks and Exhibitions here

Dr. Anita Behn – UACh Chile

Omic tools in the study of bacterial genetic resources in Antarctica

Dr. Kattia Nuñez – Autonomous University of Chile

Conservation of local populations of the native mollusk Mythilus chilensis

Dr. Marco Yévenes – ULagos -Chile

Antarctic vascular plant collection: challenges and progress

Dr. Marely Cuba – UDEC Chile

Dr. Rosa Barbieri – EMBRAPA Brazil

Dr. Vania Renno – CIP Peru

Dr. Alberto Chassaigne – CIMMYT Mexico

Genetic diversity of elite cassava accessions for commercial quality in Paraguay

Dr. Amalio Mendoza – IPTA Paraguay

Management of native vegetation for the in situ conservation of the butiá palm groves

Dr. Ênio Sosinski – EMBRAPA Brazil

Evaluation of 63 accessions of fique (Furcraea spp. L) and selection of accessions

Nancy Grisales – AGROSAVIA Colombia

Dr(c) Olman Gómez – UFRO Chile

Dr. Rafael Vidal – UdR Uruguay

Dr (c). Cynthia Meza – UCM Chile

Genetic diversity of Arachis villosa Benth. (Fabaceae) from Uruguay

Claudia Da Luz-Graña – UdelaR- Uruguay

Temperature change during the day in natural waters versus pirarucú aquaculture waters

Dr. Dagoberto Martínez – UNAL Colombia

Interaction of plant growth-promoting bacteria on induced drought stress bean

Dayenu Olivares – UCM Chile

Ignacio Naya – UdelaR – Uruguay

Dr. Jean Franco Castro – INIA Chile

Dr. Karla Cordero – INIA Chile

High-performance phenotyping for adaptation to climate change: Alfalfa

Dr. Luis Inostroza – INIA Chile

Association between Uruguay beans and rhizobia

Pilar Luján – UTEC Uruguay

Analysis of the population structure and genetic bottleneck of Mapuche chickens

Dr. Mario Díaz – UACh Chile

Semiramis Ramalho Ramos – EMBRAPA Brazil

Dr. Ronnie Vernooy – Bioversity International/CIAT Netherlands

Dr. Máximo González -CEAZA-Chile

Strategies to put plant genetic resources at the service of agriculture

Dr. Daniela Bustos-Korts – UACh Chile

Plant genetic resources and local knowledge Uruguay

Dr. Mercedes Rivas – UdelaR Uruguay

INTA-Mendoza Microorganism Collection (CoMIM): conservation and valuation

Dr. Selva Valeria Chimeno – INTA Argentina

Dr. Patricia Navarro – INIA Chile

María Victoria Díaz López – CIAT Colombia

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