Oscar Martinez V.


Oscar Martínez is an Agronomist from the Adventist University of Chile (Chillán, 1998), a Master of Science in Microbiology from the Austral University of Chile (Valdivia, 2006), a Master of Science in Natural Resources from the University of La Frontera (Temuco, 2009), and PhD in Natural Resources Sciences from the University of La Frontera (Temuco, 2012). Since 2018 he is Associate Professor of the Institute of Biochemistry and Microbiology of the Austral University of Chile, Campus Isla Teja, Valdivia. He has been an instructor (2006-2013), assistant professor (2013-2018) and director of the Master of Science Program, mention Microbiology (2017-2022) of the Faculty of Sciences of the Austral University of Chile. He has developed lines of research related to rhizosphere microorganisms and their functions in promoting plant growth. Currently, he works on microbiological quality of the soil.

All Sessions by Oscar Martinez V.

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