Guidelines for making posters
1. Poster preparation
The poster must be made by the authors, only if the submitted abstract was accepted for presentation.
2. Structure and content
a) Poster dimensions:
- Width: 90 cm maximum
- Height: 120 cm maximum
b) It must appear on the poster:
- Thematic area (same as the one chosen for the summary).
- Title identical to the title of the abstract.
- Names and affiliations of the authors.
- Introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, thanks.
- Name of the event “XIV International Symposium on Genetic Resources of the Americas and the Caribbean”, December 13-15, 2023, Valdivia Chile.
- Logo of the XIV SIRGeAC (Download).
d) The poster must be clear:
- With a minimum of text and with the support of diagrams, photos, tables and graphs possible.
- Organize the information so that the central ideas of the work are easy to understand.
- The text on the poster must be legible from a distance of at least 2 meters.
e) You will not be able to:
- Submitting the poster outside of the scheduled date, location or times.
- Presented by an author other than the one informed as responsible for such purposes.
3. Place, date, time and poster number:
- The poster session will be held at a location to be confirmed.
- For each poster, a space identified with the poster number will be reserved on the day of the presentation, to be published on December 5, 2023.
- On the scheduled date, the author must place the poster in the space designated with the same number as the abstract.
- Posters will be presented from December 13 to 15, 2023.
- From December 5, 2023, authors will be able to check the submission date on the page
- The poster must be presented on the date.
- Warning: You cannot change the designated date.
- For each day there are two poster sessions:
Tomorrow: installation time 10:30, removal 1:00 p.m.
Late: installation time 2:30 p.m., removal 5 p.m.
- During the presentation, the presence of the author responsible for the poster presentation is required, to adapt to the interested audience and to be able to interact with other authors of the session.
- The poster must be removed at the designated removal times.