Ivan Maureira B.


Iván Maureira is an Agricultural Engineer from the Austral University of Chile. He has a Ph.D. in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. He completed postdoctoral studies and as a Research Associate in the Department of Plant Biology, Cornell University. He is Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Plant Production and Health of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the Austral University of Chile (UACh). His research areas are oriented to answer questions about genetic improvement, quantitative and population genetics of fruit trees, annual crops and forages. He conducted a study of the genomes and genes of domesticated plant species, to understand their histories of domestication and adaptation. Currently, his research focuses on the origin of the Limona apple in the Los Ríos Region and Cranberry genetics, where he also seeks to identify genes and genomic regions associated with nutritional quality traits.

All Sessions by Ivan Maureira B.

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