Jorge Carrasco F.


Jorge Carrasco is an Engineer in Plant Biotechnology, graduated from the University of Concepción, Chile, and has a Master's Degree in Microbiology Applied to Industrial Biotechnology, from the University of Seville, Spain. He has nine years of work experience as a laboratory technician and support professional in the areas of Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics. He is currently part of the team in charge of preserving the Chilean Collection of Microbial Genetic Resources, belonging to the Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA), having as lines of work the molecular identification of microorganisms and the detection of phytopathogens. He has participated in the preparation of scientific publications, focused on the description of new species of microorganisms, distribution and new reports of pathogens in crops of commercial interest; works in which multi-locus analysis has been used for its concretion.

All Sessions by Jorge Carrasco F.

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Postgraduate Room Patricio Barriga Fac. Cs. Agricultural and Food

Molecular identification of microorganisms by multilocus

Contents: DNA extraction and sequencing of multiple genes; Alignment, concatenation and realization of phylogenetic trees; Creation of sequence databases.

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