Great Hall
SECTION 5. A critical look at international treaties: progress since their implementation at the national and international level, impacts and future challenges.
Master Talk (Virtual)
Implementation of the ITPGRFA in America and the Caribbean: Current Situation, Experiences in its execution and future challenges.
Mr. Álvaro Toledo – FAO - Italy
Master Talk (Virtual)
New practices, alliances and policies for the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources in America and the Caribbean.
Dr. Ronnie Vernooy – Bioversity International/CIAT Netherlands
Master Talk
Challenges and limitations in the distribution and utilization of microbial genetic resources in the context of Access and Benefit Sharing framework: The Brazilian case.
Dr. Chirlei Glienke – UFPR Brazil
Master Talk
Advances in the regime of access to genetic resources and their derived products in Colombia.
MSc. Carlos Ospina - Colombia
Coffee Break and Poster Session
Establishing a Community of Practice of gene banks in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Dr. Mónica Carvajal Yepes – CIAT Colombia
Ratification process and start of implementation of the ITPGRFA in Colombia.
Dr. Mauricio Parra – UNAL Colombia